Please tell us a little bit about yourself and about the home you might want. We'll notify you as soon as we have a home that suits your needs.
(HINT: Hit TAB between fields to advance)
Primary Buyers First Name:
Primary Buyers Last Name:
Co-Buyers First Name:
Co-Buyers Last Name:
State :
Zip Code:
How did you hear about us?
What is the most you can raise for a down payment?
Is your down payment available now? Yes No
What is your ideal monthly payment?
What is your household income before taxes?
What is your current mortgage or rent payment?
What are your monthly debts?
How would you classify your credit?
How long have you been with your currrent place of employment?
What areas would you consider living in?
Minimum # of bedrooms you require?
Minimum # of bathrooms you require?
How much square feet do you need?
How soon can you move when we find the home you want?
Will you consider a home that needs work?